Creativity and New Media

I am currently taking a digital arts class where we use photoshop. For my midterm project, I did a project similar to "Finding Waldo". This midterm project required us to create collages based on our interests. For my interest, it was traveling and it stood out to me because my cousins came over from Amsterdam and they asked a question that stumped me "What is there to do in NYC?". I was not able to answer that question but gave them an idea that you should bring photos back as a memoir. So in my project I combined what locals see and what tourists would typically see.

For the attached picture, can you see the items I photoshopped and the real images?


  1. Hey Stanley,

    I really like how you incorporated another class of digital arts to show creativity. Combining what locals and tourists see is an interesting approach and very unique. From what I first noticed, I see a skateboarder, crowding of people, street parking signs, and a dumpling house. It's truly a perspective that is made possible through Photoshop and I really love what you did with it! Perhaps you can share your work through new media such as your Instagram!


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